The word SEO consists of the initials of Search Engine Optimization. In Turkish, search engine optimization is expressed. If we examine the SEO work, as the name implies, we can qualify the internet projects as a work that makes the search engines suitable for the search engines and makes the sites higher in the searches. You can find answers to your questions by watching our video below.
How is Google SEO Work Done?
Today, the most widely used search engine is “Google SEO and the organization that determines SEO and internet rules is” Google da. “Google” always gives priority to quality and popular sites in searches. The subject we call quality, in-site optimizations and popularity are evaluated as off-site studies. SEO work is actually a preliminary preparation and planning. The projects that are progressing in line with the right analyzes can always be successful. Now, by examining these topics in sub-headings, how is SEO work done? We’il find answers to his question.
What is On-Site SEO? How To do it? (On-Page SEO)
Search engines give quality scores to their websites within the rules determined. These quality scores are provided by the text and visual contents we use throughout our site, clean and fast code structure, user-friendly interface and major search engine tags.
Our main goal in site optimization is to prove to the search engines that we are of good quality and user benefit. How does a website become user-friendly? How should I accelerate my site? Let’s examine the on-site SEO topics below with subtitles for your questions.
Text and Visual Content Optimization
One of the most important issues is that the texts we use in our site content are in an original and enjoyable way for the readers. The more quality and natural our articles we prepare for our site, the more people will read our content and spend time on our page.
The images we use in our content are just as important as our text content. The visuals that we use on our site are original and high quality will both increase the quality score of our site and will leave an original impression in the eyes of our visitors.
What is Text Optimization?
Do you know that text content is among the top three ranking factors on the Google side? For many years, we have been predicting that we can earn rankings on Google by writing a blog post in a range of 250 – 300 words. Of course, this has changed a lot today. Especially when Google’s artificial intelligence product RankBrain algorithm came into play, content alone was not enough. Quality and natural content has now emerged.
Above we have provided you with information about the most important ranking factor in a simple way. So what should we do knowing that the text content is so important? How do we create content? Now let’s examine the content optimization topic in detail below;
- Define Content Strategy
Before I make your content, why do I make it? Ask yourself the question. It is important in all respects to create content with a purpose. Just because Google wants to be up to date on your site, you shouldn’t produce many poor-quality blog content. Your content should answer the questions of many visitors.
- Keyword Research
Before you can create content that answers your audience’s questions, you need to know what they’re looking for on Google and how they ask them. There are many tools you can do this research. One of these tools is Google Keyword Planner. This tool is a free tool in Google Ads and you can get keyword suggestions.
As you can see above, we just want to get the idea by writing our sample keyword and showing the results. Then we can view the list with average monthly search volumes.
- Keyword Usage
We planned our keywords to use in our content. However, this does not mean that we will fill the content with word repeats. Let’s also note that Google is smart enough to recognize the synonyms of words. So don’t be fooled by using all the variations of a word!
Avoid Intense Word Repetition
There is no mathematical formula. Some sources suggest 5% repetition of words. However, this information is not fully sufficient. The best control of this is to search your words using the find feature in a Word file. If your words are clustered intensely and repeat too much, you can replace them with synonyms.
- Heading Labels
We need to create sub-titles in our content, such as the main title. If we had shared our post without subheadings, we are sure that you would not have read it and left the page. Subtitles make your writing more legible. Likewise, it is useful to segment your content in order to reach the sections in your article easily. Topics to be considered in our titles;
Start with Keyword
We have mentioned above how important topics are for the user experience. The same importance applies to search engine bots. Our headlines are a summary of the content. Therefore, starting with the target keyword in our main and sub-titles will give the bots good information about the content.
Use Heading Labels (H1, H2, H3 Etc.)

h1, h2, h2 optimization
Title tags are still important today. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags that the bots understand in order to express our titles to search engine bots.
You can think of the H1 tag as the title of a book. It is recommended to have 1 page per page. You may find that some sources will not have more than one H1 tag. However, because the H1 tag is larger in font size than any other title tag, there may be problems understanding the actual title of a page.
You can think of H2 tags as sub-titles of a book. These are the headings that can be used after the H1 tag and you can express the main subject with subheadings.
H3, H4 and other subheadings can be used provided that they are in a correct hierarchy.
Website Speed and Clean Code Structure
Most Internet users quickly leave a slow-opening website. Quickly leaving your site will dramatically reduce your site quality score. In addition, search engine bots want to encounter a clean and easily crawlable code structure instead of a complex and unnecessary code structure.
User Friendly Website
Let’s take a look at the user experience, which is perhaps one of the most important building blocks of promotion on Google. In Internet projects, issues such as misleading visitors, long URL structures and poor quality designs, as well as not being user-oriented, reduce our quality by attracting the attention of bots. To give an example of a user-friendly website, layout and accessibility should be among our main points.
People of all ages and levels should be able to use our site easily. Font fonts, site colors and internal links that can be said to be successful step by step projects. The main goal of SEO is to provide users with quality and useful information. It is important to remember that a user-friendly website is also search engine friendly.
Search Engine Tags
Search engine tags, which are included in the site optimization topics, are the parameters that ensure that our site is well perceived by bots and indexed correctly in the search results. This material, also known as meta tags; page titles and descriptions, page language tags and all tags that introduce our site to the bots are included. When using these labels, you must obtain professional support. Incorrect tagging can lead to misdetection of sites and even index losses.
What is External SEO/ Off-Site Seo Work? What should be considered? (Off-Page SEO)
External SEO work, as the name implies, includes all the work done outside the site. Internet projects can be thought of as increasing popularity, increasing awareness and speaking. We can show incorrect off-site work as one of the biggest reasons for the biggest errors in the work and the way to deletion of sites from Google. Google can consider these errors as spam and cause projects to be adversely affected by rankings.
In other words,, backlink ”is the name of the off-site works. First of all, what is a backlink? Let’s examine this question in our subtitle.
What is Backlink?
A website is referred to as a backlink when it links to another website. We can think of this as follows; If a website that is safe and popular by Google recommends you to its site and recommends it to its users, Google will be trusting your site in proportion. In this way, by providing popularity both traffic and awareness will be provided to our site. With the latest Google updates, backlinks are more sensitive. Some websites that manipulate this structure can be detected by Google and filtered into search words. Therefore, unnatural and paid backlinks are dangerous for the projects.
How Natural Backlinks Should Be?
In fact, the answer is very simple. If you provide good content, your site visitors will want to easily refer to the information they have obtained from you. In this case, you will have a natural link. In fact, the biggest and most critical mistake that begins is here. SEO people expect to rise with paid links from busy and poor quality news sites since they see all the work as just getting links. When this manipulation occurs in a short time, it are deleted from the search results. Instead of the paid and non-paid links of this kind, natural links should be obtained by preparing quality and up-to-date content.
Where Should I Start?
We tried to answer the question What is SEO with all the lines in our article. Of course, as deeply as we can tell, this is a consulting service. Since each website has its own unique structure, it is important to carry out project-specific work. A good expert should start the process by creating an accurate work plan as a result of the analyzes that will subject the project.
As DATco digital agency Turkey, we analyze all the projects we consult for in the light of accurate and up-to-date information and provide the necessary appropriate work. How is it going to be? How are we going to do? Without raising such questions in mind, let us support you with our appropriate strategies.
For more; https://datcodigital.com/